The Battle for Bodily Autonomy:

The Defining Political Issue of Our Time

The Battle for Bodily Autonomy, The Defining Political Issue of Our Time

In an era marked by unprecedented political polarization, one issue stands out as the most pressing, the most fundamental, and the most far-reaching: bodily autonomy. The right to control one's own body, to make decisions about one's own health, and to live free from coercion and oppression is the defining political issue of our time.

The Foundation of Human Rights

Bodily autonomy is not just a personal freedom, but a fundamental human right. It is the foundation upon which all other rights are built. Without the ability to control our own bodies, we are reduced to mere objects, subject to the whims of those in power. The right to bodily autonomy is essential to our dignity, our agency, and our very humanity.

The Assault on Bodily Autonomy

Yet, despite its importance, bodily autonomy is under attack from all sides. Governments, corporations, and religious institutions are all seeking to erode our autonomy, to dictate what we can and cannot do with our own bodies. From restrictive abortion laws to forced sterilization, from mandatory vaccinations to preventing gender confirmation surgeries, the list of assaults on bodily autonomy is long and growing.

Reproductive Rights

Reproductive rights are perhaps the most visible battleground in the fight for bodily autonomy. The ability to control our own reproductive systems, to make decisions about our own bodies, is a fundamental aspect of human dignity. Yet, in many countries, women's bodies are subject to strict control, with laws regulating everything from contraception to abortion. The recent wave of anti-abortion legislation in the United States is a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for reproductive autonomy.

Gender and Sexuality

Gender and sexuality are also critical aspects of bodily autonomy. The ability to express our gender and sexuality freely, without fear of persecution or discrimination, is essential to our well-being and our humanity. Yet, trans and gender non-conforming individuals face discrimination, violence, and marginalization, simply for living their lives as they see fit.

Disability and Ableism

The fight for bodily autonomy is also closely tied to the struggle for disability rights. People with disabilities are often subject to forced medical interventions, institutionalization, and other forms of coercion, simply because of their bodies. The ableism that pervades our society, the assumption that certain bodies are more valuable or more worthy than others, is a fundamental threat to bodily autonomy.


The battle for bodily autonomy is not just a personal issue, but a political imperative. It is a fight for our very humanity, for our dignity, and for our freedom. We must recognize that bodily autonomy is not a privilege, but a fundamental right, essential to our well-being and our survival. We must stand together, across borders, across identities, and across ideologies, to demand that our bodies be recognized as our own, and that our autonomy be respected and protected.


If you're interested in learning more about the fight for bodily autonomy, I recommend checking out organizations like the National Network of Abortion Funds, the Transgender Law Center, and the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. These organizations are doing critical work to advance bodily autonomy, and they need your support.

And of course, you should join Bodily Autonomy Maine!